Home Writing Reading

  1. How I add Tailwind to my ReScript projects
  2. Testing ReasonML at Sweden's largest property portal, Hemnet
  3. Focus links in Firefox on MacOS
  4. Temporal - the JavaScript date replacement
  5. Write useful error messages
  6. Explain in plain words
  7. Automating actions in postgres
  8. Rewriting git commit history
  9. Displaying a section title with hyperscript
  10. Use valueAs* on inputs
  11. TypeScript string manipulation types
  12. Using Intl for lists
  13. How to lint html using css
  14. Blog post series in Eleventy
  15. Solving my hydration issues in react 18
  16. Useful postgres commands
  17. Learn by doing side projects
  18. Rotate in css with turn
  19. React import differences
  20. Creating luck
  21. Difference between nullish coalescing (??) and logical or (||)
  22. My code editor journey
  23. Newline in vim substitutions
  24. Learning in public
  25. Structure of CSS
  26. Describe what you're doing
  27. Rewrite using go
  28. Writing good documentation
  29. Change creation date of a file
  30. Hemnet frontend testing workshop
  31. Abbreviations in HTML
  32. Strong code-review culture
  33. Using intl with hindi and arabic numbers
  34. Override subdependency versions in npm
  35. Use the ip address instead of localhost
  36. Why I love Tailwind
  37. Using generate_series to avoid gaps in data in Postgres
  38. Fuzzy switch git branch
  39. Writing good alt texts
  40. Delete DS_Store files inside folder
  41. Delete unused node_modules
  42. Rewrite using the beth stack
  43. Typing Swedish letters on a US keyboard
  44. View transitions using htmx
  45. HTML datetime input quirks
  46. Automatically creating a remote git branch
  47. Effective note-taking
  48. Suspending vim
  49. Nativewind with design tokens and dark mode
  50. Returning values from Native Modules
  51. Sort lines in vim
  52. Using the normal command in vim
  53. Pick with keyof typeof in TypeScript
  54. Using dataview to collect meeting notes
  55. Safely position fixed content on newer mobile devices
  56. Redirect www to non-www in cloudflare
  57. Organize panes in tmux
  58. Rename windows in tmux
  59. Exact time of a git commit
  60. AppleScript - Spotify now playing
  61. willcodefor.beer is now a Remix app
  62. Testing react createportal with testing library
  63. AppleScript - Using JavaScript (JXA)
  64. Close all open vim buffers except the current
  65. Rescript - connect to localstorage using ffi and functors
  66. Update all git branches and clean up deleted ones
  67. Practical dataview examples for Obsidian
  68. Effective meetings
  69. Quit and save in Vim
  70. Neovim key map helper in lua
  71. Maximize tmux pane vertically or horizontally
  72. Native Module in React Native using Swift
  73. Remove readonly and optional parameters in TypeScript
  74. Dynamic island and live activities in react native
  75. Deep clone objects using structuredClone
  76. Rescript - adding new actions to an existing usereducer
  77. Advent of code 2021 - day 1 - sonar sweep
  78. Just write
  79. Rescript - using usestate in rescript-react
  80. Solving PhaseScriptExecution errors in Xcode
  81. Download attribute on links
  82. Improving dataview query using regexmatch
  83. Migrating from Jest to Vitest
  84. Rescript - using usecontext in rescript-react
  85. Migrate dotfiles to lua
  86. Organize and document key mappings in neovim
  87. _redirects in Cloudflare Pages
  88. ReScript: Adding a third-party library
  89. ReScript: FFI basics in React
  90. AppleScript: Spotify current position and track duration
  91. Vitest hoisted and destructuring
  92. ReScript: Creating a React component
  93. ReScript: Using React components
  94. htmx: confirm an action
  95. ReScript: Using useReducer in rescript-react