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- How I add Tailwind to my ReScript projects
- Testing ReasonML at Sweden's largest property portal, Hemnet
- Focus links in Firefox on MacOS
- Temporal - the JavaScript date replacement
- Write useful error messages
- Explain in plain words
- Automating actions in postgres
- Rewriting git commit history
- Displaying a section title with hyperscript
- Use valueAs* on inputs
- TypeScript string manipulation types
- Using Intl for lists
- How to lint html using css
- Blog post series in Eleventy
- Solving my hydration issues in react 18
- Useful postgres commands
- Learn by doing side projects
- Rotate in css with turn
- React import differences
- Creating luck
- Difference between nullish coalescing (??) and logical or (||)
- My code editor journey
- Newline in vim substitutions
- Learning in public
- Structure of CSS
- Describe what you're doing
- Rewrite using go
- Writing good documentation
- Change creation date of a file
- Hemnet frontend testing workshop
- Abbreviations in HTML
- Strong code-review culture
- Using intl with hindi and arabic numbers
- Override subdependency versions in npm
- Use the ip address instead of localhost
- Why I love Tailwind
- Using generate_series to avoid gaps in data in Postgres
- Fuzzy switch git branch
- Writing good alt texts
- Delete DS_Store files inside folder
- Delete unused node_modules
- Rewrite using the beth stack
- Typing Swedish letters on a US keyboard
- View transitions using htmx
- HTML datetime input quirks
- Automatically creating a remote git branch
- Effective note-taking
- Suspending vim
- Nativewind with design tokens and dark mode
- Returning values from Native Modules
- Sort lines in vim
- Using the normal command in vim
- Pick with keyof typeof in TypeScript
- Using dataview to collect meeting notes
- Safely position fixed content on newer mobile devices
- Redirect www to non-www in cloudflare
- Organize panes in tmux
- Rename windows in tmux
- Exact time of a git commit
- AppleScript - Spotify now playing
- is now a Remix app
- Testing react createportal with testing library
- AppleScript - Using JavaScript (JXA)
- Close all open vim buffers except the current
- Rescript - connect to localstorage using ffi and functors
- Update all git branches and clean up deleted ones
- Practical dataview examples for Obsidian
- Effective meetings
- Quit and save in Vim
- Neovim key map helper in lua
- Maximize tmux pane vertically or horizontally
- Native Module in React Native using Swift
- Remove readonly and optional parameters in TypeScript
- Dynamic island and live activities in react native
- Deep clone objects using structuredClone
- Rescript - adding new actions to an existing usereducer
- Advent of code 2021 - day 1 - sonar sweep
- Just write
- Rescript - using usestate in rescript-react
- Solving PhaseScriptExecution errors in Xcode
- Download attribute on links
- Improving dataview query using regexmatch
- Migrating from Jest to Vitest
- Rescript - using usecontext in rescript-react
- Migrate dotfiles to lua
- Organize and document key mappings in neovim
- _redirects in Cloudflare Pages
- ReScript: Adding a third-party library
- ReScript: FFI basics in React
- AppleScript: Spotify current position and track duration
- Vitest hoisted and destructuring
- ReScript: Creating a React component
- ReScript: Using React components
- htmx: confirm an action
- ReScript: Using useReducer in rescript-react