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til / Difference between nullish coalescing (??) and logical or (||)

Logical OR, ||, uses the right-side value when the left side is falsy (empty string, 0, false, undefined, null). Nullish coalescing, ??, only uses the right-side value when the left side is nullish (null or undefined).

// Logical OR ||
console.log("" || "default"); // 'default'
console.log("test" || "default"); // 'test'

console.log(0 || "default"); // 'default'
console.log(12 || "default"); // 12

console.log(false || "default"); // 'default'
console.log(true || "default"); // true

console.log(undefined || "default"); // 'default'
console.log(null || "default"); // 'default'

// Nullish coalescing ??
console.log("" ?? "default"); // ''
console.log("test" ?? "default"); // 'test'

console.log(0 ?? "default"); // 0
console.log(12 ?? "default"); // 12

console.log(false ?? "default"); // false
console.log(true ?? "default"); // true

console.log(undefined ?? "default"); // 'default'
console.log(null ?? "default"); // 'default'

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