I like reading books, but usually it only happens before going to bed. I'm also a competitive person. So, to motivate me to read more, I'm going to post the books here. Sort of like learning in public, but for reading. With estimated word counts I can also satisfy my love for stats.
268 699
Total words
3 784
Words per day
Books read
Currently reading
OathbringerThe Stormlight Archive #3Brandon Sanderson
- Started at
- 2024-12-14
- Expected to finish
- 2025-09-22 (194 days)
- Release date
- 2017-11-14
- Page
- 380 / 1227 (31%)
- Words read
- 120 460 / 389 376
- Pace
- 1 384 words per day
- Format
- Kindle
- Language
- English
- Recommended by
- Andreas A., Kent C. Dodds
Previously read
Die With ZeroGetting All You Can from Your Money and Your LifeBill Perkins
- Started at
- 2025-01-21
- Finished at
- 2025-02-15 (24 days)
- Release date
- 2020-05-05
- Word count
- 61 698
- Pace
- 2 570 words per day
- Rating
- 4 / 10
- Format
- Kindle
- Language
- English
SkolplattformenEn sann historia om miljarder, konsulter, föräldrar och barnOlle Lidbom
- Started at
- 2025-01-03
- Finished at
- 2025-01-07 (4 days)
- Release date
- 2021-08-21
- Word count
- 86 541
- Pace
- 21 635 words per day
- Rating
- 7 / 10
- Format
- Physical
- Language
- Swedish