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til / ReScript: Using React components

In the previous post, we learned how to create React components in ReScript. In this post, we’ll learn how to import and use them in other components. We’ll start by making some adjustments to the <Button> we created.

// Button.res
let make = (~children, ~onClick) => {
  <button onClick> children </button>

We have changed the button child from React.string("Click me") to children and added a prop for ~children in the component function. This way we can reuse the button with different contents. The type of the children prop is inferred as React.element and it is required.

// App.res
let make = () => {
  <div> <Button /> </div>

Here we use our <Button> component inside another component called <App>. As we saw in the last post, all files are modules and globally available in ReScript. Therefore we can add the <Button> to our JSX without having to import any files beforehand.

If we save now, we get an error in the compiler that we are missing the required properties for the <Button>.

  1  @react.component
  2  let make = () => {
  3    <div> <Button /> </div>
  4  }

  This has type:
    (~children: 'a, ~onClick: 'b) => {"children": 'a, "onClick": 'b}
  Somewhere wanted:
    {"children": React.element, "onClick": ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit}

Let’s add the props to satisfy the compiler.

let make = () => {
    <Button onClick={_event => ()}> {React.string("Click me")} </Button>

onClick gets a function defined as _event => (). The underscore before event tells the compiler that the variable is unused and we return a unit, (), which compiles to JavaScript’s undefined.

Lastly, we re-add the button text from before as a child to <Button>, and we have successfully used our <Button> component!

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